Living Stories: Things Unsaid


The Living Stories Western Sydney Writing Prize is a creative writing competition that draws on a proud lineage of other writing prizes, providing opportunities for young and emerging voices, a forum for reflection and conversation between communities and insight for audiences both here and well beyond the region to appreciate and begin to understand the tapestry that is west of the harbour.

These are the 2022 winning and highly commended entries.


Western Sydney is full of stories expressing the richness and diversity of our collective humanity. Some of those stories are traumatic and painful, others are full of joy, relief, and new beginnings. Ours is a dynamic place made up of intersecting yet distinct communities, each bringing with it a rich mosaic of history and complexity. Western Sydney is one of the world’s most multi-cultural regions. In The stories of and from this place is, in many ways, the story of a contemporary, and future, Australia.