Need a space to write? 

Writers need space to work and to feel themselves part of a supportive, well-resourced community and to provide pathways of opportunity for the development of the authentic and articulate voices from the region. 

Apply to become a Writer-in-Residence at the WestWords Centre for Writing in Parramatta. 

What are my options?

There are a few different options to choose from. 

Volunteer Writer-In-Residence

Are you only likely to use the space once a month? Apply to become a Volunteer Writer-In-Residence.

What this means: WestWords runs many live events throughout the year, and sometimes we need to call on our community for a few helping hands (help us sell books, or direct guests to the right place!) By becoming a Volunteer Writer-In-Residence, we add you to our volunteer mailing list, and drop you a line when we need an assist! That good will is all we ask, and in return, you’re welcome to use the quiet writing space during office hours (9.30am-5.30pm) on weekdays. Just email ahead to secure your spot! 

Member Writer-In-Residence 

Are you more likely to need the space more than once a month? Do you want guaranteed access to a private room to work in? Would you like access to the space after hours and on weekends? 

Then we can accomodate you with our member Writer-In-Residence program. Upon applying, let us know you’re interested in this option, and we can discuss the small payable fee to grant you access to your own private writing space, when you need it!   

How to apply

Application are open year round. 

Please email us, outlining:

 A brief summary of your creative project

A short writers’ bio

and if you are interested in being a Volunteer, or Member Writer-In-Residence  

 Please for all applications, or questions, to

Where is the WestWords Centre for Writing? 

41 Hunter Street, Parramatta. On the Corner of Hunter and Marsden St. 

WestWords is a 4 min walk from the Parramatta train station, and there is 3 hours free parking at the nearby Westfield.

On-site parking arrangements can be made for Member Writers-in-Residence. 

The on site amenities, including bathrooms and kitchenette are available to all writers in residence. 

Is WestWords still located at the Wedderburn Writers Retreat? 

Yes — for masterclasses hosted in partnership with Campbelltown Library. Once a month we host a workshop at Wedderburn, so keep an eye out for those!

If you live in the Campbelltown area, and using Wedderburn for writing, rather than Parramatta, is preferred, this option is available to members of our Academy program, and Academy alumni. 

The Wedderburn Writers Retreat is located at 391 Wedderburn Road, Wedderburn.