Poets’ Corner is WestWords’ monthly encounter with celebrated Australian poets, curated by David Adès. Each month a poet is invited to read and talk about their poetry on a theme of the poet’s choice.
Poets’ Corner transitioned from a live event to a program on our YouTube channel where it remains.
Poetś Corner with David Ades featuring Esther Ottaway
Library For All is creating a collection of 500 mirror books for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children called Our Yarning. Your voice as an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person can add to this unique collection. You are invited to write a story...
Previous Episodes
Poets’ Corner with David Ades featuring Stuart Barnes
Poets' Corner is WestWords's monthly encounter with celebrated Australian poets, curated by David Ades. Each month a poet is invited to read and...
Poets’ Corner with David Ades featuring Magdalena Ball
Poets' Corner is WestWords' monthly encounter with celebrated Australian poets, curated by David Ades. Each month a poet is invited to read and talk...
Poets’ Corner with David Ades featuring Christopher (Kit) Kelen
Poets' Corner is WestWords' monthly encounter with celebrated Australian poets, curated by David Ades. Each month a poet is invited to read and talk...
Poets’ Corner with David Ades featuring Lisa Gorton
Poets' Corner is WestWords' monthly encounter with celebrated Australian poets, curated by David Ades. Each month a poet is invited to read...
Heather Taylor-Johnson
Heather Taylor Johnson is a multi-form writer living and working on Kaurna land near Port Adelaide. Her most recent poetry books are the verse novel...
Diane Fahey
Poets' Corner is WestWords' monthly encounter with celebrated Australian poets, curated by David Ades. Each month a poet is invited to read and talk...