A Slightly Silly, Continuously Twisty, Twirly-Whirly Curly Story… by YOU!
(With a little bit of help from our friend Dub Leffler)
At the 2016 Way Out West Festival for Children at Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, WestWords and our friend the writer Dub Leffler asked you to come along, choose your own adventure and help write a book – And boy, soooo many of you did just that! (Yep, we were squeezing you all in on edges of tables it was that full!) And right there on that day you thought up a crazy, funny, adventurous, wonderfully silly story from scratch, in a really short time and you even drew the pictures. Well, now we’ve got it ready for you and your friends and family and the whole wide internet world to see… Are you ready???