WestWords will be accepting submissions of creative writing for a digital publication, to be showcased by the Sydney Theatre Company and WestWords.
Even if you missed out on the recent Beyond the Fence workshop, you are still encouraged to submit your writing. Whether that be a poem, or a 500-word (max) short story, or a short script. As long as your piece is in conversation with the themes of either Sacrifice, Pride, Ambition, or Racism (the themes of the STC show, FENCES) your work has the opportunity to be showcased!
You are welcome to email ally@westwords.com.au with a word.doc or pdf file to submit your work for the digital publication. Entries close 5pm, April 27th.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Ally if you have any questions about the call out.
All copyright and moral rights are retained by the author. On submission, authors grant WestWords permission to digitally present their work as a part of the STC/WestWords online publication.