The Campbelltown Writing Program
Campbelltown Writing Program is a partnership between WestWords and Campbelltown Libary. Throughout the year we hold two fortnightly writers’ groups, monthly masterclasses, and a range of other events held throughout the year. Most events are free and represent a desire to enliven the writing community of Macarthur by providing place and opportunity.
Campbelltown Writers’ Groups
There are two online writers groups that are ongoing throughout the year.
Creative Writing Group
Contrary to popular lore, writing is not a solo sport. Every writer needs a community, a sounding board, a group of people who think you’re fabulous and want to see you grow. The creative writing group is that for you. Meeting fortnightly via Zoom, Sienna will guide the group in looking deeper into their own work and craft. It is regular space to bring your creative writing questions and to find inspiration in the work and thoughts of others. No matter what your experience level, beginner or professional, we welcome you to come share this creative space.
Facilitator: Sienna Brown
Time: Tuesdays 10am – 12:00pm
Information: https://www.campbelltown.nsw.gov.au/WhatsOn/CreativeWritingGroup
Fiction Writer’s Group
A writers’ group is a great place to come and sort out those kinks, to find like-minded people who aren’t obliged to like your work because they’re your mum or partner, and who, like you, are hoping that the great story in their mind somehow makes it onto the page.
Every fortnight, facilitated by the effervescent James Roy, the Fiction Writers’ Group will come together (online at present) to learn, discuss, and feedback on each other’s work.
No matter if you’re a beginner writer or well-weathered, we’d love you to join this lively space for writers.
Facilitator: James Roy
Time: Saturdays 10am – 12:00pm
Information: https://www.campbelltown.nsw.gov.au/WhatsOn/FictionWritersGroup
Masterclass Program

Bringing the Drama: Using techniques of stage and screen in creative writing
Join playwright and novelist Brooke Robinson at this workshop on dramatic writing techniques for creative writers. Suitable for beginner and emerging playwrights and writers of fiction and creative non-fiction, this session will explore pace, tension and conflict, how to unpack scenes and identify ways to heighten moments of drama in your writing, regardless of the form. Brooke’s plays include Good Cook. Friendly. Clean (Griffin Theatre, Sydney), Bad Machine (Campbelltown Arts Centre/Casula Powerhouse, Sydney), Oysters (Old Vic, London) and Dangerous Lenses (Old 505 Theatre Sydney, Vault Festival, London).
Date: Sunday 28th August 2022
Time: 10 am-1pm
Location: Wedderburn Writer’s Retreat, 391 Wedderburn Rd, Wedderburn
Guest Speaker: Brooke Robinson
This Masterclass is brought to you by WestWords in partnership with Campbelltown City Libraries.
Tea and coffee will be provided.